Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Roger's Puttin' on the Ritz

Delving ever further into the love-fest between Roger Federer and Vogue editrix Anna Wintour, Racqonteur was delighted to see that the mighty bobbed-one threw a proper New York socialite soiree for his Rogerness on the eve of the Open. Vogue the magazine and Federer the icon share a certain kind of inevitability; the assumed success and complete ownership of their respective fields that elite-types eat up like so many slices of foie gras terrine on toast points. Stepping out to air-kiss the dominator in their late-summer finest? No lesser silver spooners than Marina Rust, Lauren duPont, Amanda Cutter Brooks and Aerin Lauder. Roger really seems in his element among these swell swans. Can't wait to see who takes a town car out to sit in his box!

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