Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Roddick on the Ropes

Woe is Roddickulous. That big clock at Flushing Meadows sure is ticking, and the wheels on A-Rod's train only seem further from the track with each passing week. Okay, succumbing to a barrage of supernatural winners at the hands of Richie Gasquet in a wacky Wimbledon quarterfinal is one thing. But being out-aced by Frank Dancevic of Canada at Indianapolis? Even the gloomiest of crystal balls never would have foretold such a fate for America's lost great hope. A little like the real estate market, one has to wonder: How far does this thing have left to fall? The Racqonteur predicts: A-Rod crashes out in the third round of the U.S. Open to an Icelandic qualifier.

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